Monday, February 7

Insurance, sigh

Got this e-mail today.


I did leave you a voicemail with the results of my search. You have
never been listed as a dependent or purchased [university] dependent insurance.
Just wanted to make sure you got that info.

My reply . . . rather defeatist:

I got the message, and frankly, I haven't been sure
how to respond to that.

I had a[n insurance] card with the [university] logo at the top
with *my* name on it (*in addition* to the [Jared's employer]
coverage-- there was a semester where Jared was not
working enough hours to qualify at [employer] and so we
bought the [university] health plan.)

We wrote a check to [university] for the amount of a student
plus spouse/dependent. If you have no record of this
whatsoever, something is very, very wrong.
Unfortunately, we did not keep old insurance cards in
our move. So I'll chalk this up to another
unbelievable corporate snafu (I have a knack for
finding them) and lose out on $850 reimbursement from
my current insurance company. I don't have the time
or energy to make waves, which would end up fruitless



At 9:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They shorted me a disability check. Now they say I have to wait 10 days for them to put a stop payment on the check and it will take another 10 days to get me a new one. Can I wait almost a month now for a paycheck? Sure. No problem. I will just let all my bills get behind and you can ruin my credit for me Aetna. Can't wait for my company to drop this garbage insurance!


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